Best Business Practices

To have Patience over matters we cannot understand not possible

To have Patience over matters we cannot understand not possible

To have Patience over matters we cannot understand not possible

Patience is mentioned 90 times in the quran and is mostly associated with times of difficulty.

This subject with examples is covered in Surah Kahf when Musa as meets Khidr (Alayhis Salam).

In this surah itself there are three examples and two are provided below:

The fishermen have their boats damaged by the Khidr as after they gave Musa as & Khidr as a ride free of charge. The fishermen when they found their boats damaged, would have been very angry but little did they know that since the boats were damaged they had saved their boats being confiscated by the king.

The second example is: No parents can easily bear the loss of their child but here too Allah in His great mercy actually protects the parents from a child who would have grown up and caused much distress to the parents. This child is killed by Khidr AS & Allah replaces the bad child with another child with excellent qualities.

How often we face a disaster in our business like a key employee leaving us during the middle of a project or a major financial loss making us wind up our business etc. After a few months or years everything has changed and we find ourselves in much better positions.

To overcome such a situation where we don’t really comprehend the situation, we must hold back any statement, judgement or decision. Then make proper inquiry and understand the circumstances, to the extent possible. Then do mashoora with relevant people who can be relied to give suitable advice. Only then make a decision or implement a plan.

Our Nabi sas said that when Allah wants to increase our rank in Jannah, He makes us undergo trials and through our patience, He elevates our ranks.