Best Business Practices

Country Continuity Planning (CCP), Family Continuity Planning (FCP) & Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Country Continuity Planning (CCP), Family Continuity Planning (FCP) & Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Country Continuity Planning (CCP), Family Continuity Planning (FCP) & Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

We read in the Qur’an:
The good and the evil are not alike. Repel (evil) with that which is better. Then verily he between whom and you there was enmity, will become as though he was a close ally
(Surah Al Fussilat: 34)

The above verses are not related to business but shows how a few verses can be so powerful. Similarly any verse that advocates good business practice will be exponentially valuable to a person engaging in a profession or business

Don’t even say uff to your parents (surah Isra verse 23 - 24) This one verse if not observed can reduce the population of a country to unmanageable lev els (eg : Japan) Why? If we don’t respect parents, then in turn children will not respect us. This happens mainly because parents don’t treat as sacred their marriage vows. Example 60% of Italian men have cheated at least once on their spouse and statistic s in other countries are also high.

Today many countries have become totally materialistic and sadly has no other objective other than accumulating, consuming and enjoying wealth short term, without thinking of longer term interests or the greater good. As a result parents are neglected and children regarded more as a burden than anything else. A hedonistic pursuit of pleasure seems to be the only goal with long term ill effects on the environment, those around them and finally oneself as a selfish lifestyle only brings destruction at the end of the day.


Country Continuity Planning

The commonly accepted Western-inspired CCP has resulted in country-wide negative population growth and an aging population to cope up with on top of it, the children grow up in an environment of instability and though intelligent are not stable in the organization they work in. This has resulted in the influx of mainly Indians where respect for parents, elders and family is paramount. Today the result is many fortune 500 organizations (US Based) CEOs are of South Asian origin.

In simple terms the “country continuity planning” of these countries depends very much on their migration policies and not on their Citizens which is a very sad state of affairs.


Family Continuity Planning

In the Qur’an we read very clearly that the God Most Merciful has put between husband and wife affection and mercy.  When one ponders about it, this trait which we often take for granted, is actually a most unique one and ensures the continuity of the species. Families having close bonds between parents and children create a strong desire for marriage and procreation. Children are cherished and protected by parents and adored by grandparents, providing stability and self-confidence for a future generation which is not possible in a materialistic society.


Business Continuity Planning

Stable families enable us to hand over our businesses to future generations. Thus the struggle of the family head to create the first business through sheer grit and hard work yield dividends for whole families to benefit from through successive generations. But for this to happen, the foundation has to be strong and stable.

To fully comprehend this idea, we need to understand BBP i.e.  Best Business Practices from the standpoint of revealed scripture, the Qur’an and supporting narratives by way of the Hadiths.